Google Does Not Confirm Smaller Core Updates
So we are sitting here wondering if we had an update yesterday and a few in July, Google was radio silence about those unconfirmed updates.

Now, Google posts some more tips around core updates and at the end of that blog post wrote “we’re constantly making updates to our search algorithms, including smaller core updates. We don’t announce all of these because they’re generally not widely noticeable.”

Here is what Danny Sullivan, the Google Public Liaison for Search, wrote in this article:
Broad core updates tend to happen every few months. Content that was impacted by one might not recover – assuming improvements have been made – until the next broad core update is released.
However, we’re constantly making updates to our search algorithms, including smaller core updates. We don’t announce all of these because they’re generally not widely noticeable. Still, when released, they can cause content to recover if improvements warrant.
So these core updates happen every few months but “smaller core updates” are happening more often. Google is grouping the “smaller core updates” in with “constantly making updates.” Google said they do not announce all core updates, espesially not the smaller ones. Why not? Google said because they are “generally not widely noticeable,” I guess unless you are an SEO.

But these “smaller core updates” can “cause content to recover if improvements warrant,” he wrote.
So was yesterday’s update or any of the ones in July “smaller core updates“? I have no way to confirm that. I can tell you one thing, the chatter and tracking tools are both pretty high today again – so that update from yesterday does seem to have legs.
Does it matter? Probably – but hey, who am I to say so.
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